Supporting our First Indigenous Winter Olympic Athlete

Harley Windsor is the younger brother of Indigiearth's founder & Managing Director Sharon, who is extremely proud of Harley and Katia who are on their way to the Winter Olympics in South Korea!
Harley and Katia are hitting the big time and making history every time they skate and compete across the world. Harley is a young Aboriginal man, born and raised in western Sydney, Rooty Hill. Born to both Aboriginal parents, Harley is a descendant of the Ngemba Weilwan and Kamilaroi people of NSW. Harley has been skating for 11years after a wrong turn at Blacktown one day and discovering Blacktown ice rink. It was just a bit of fun to start off with, that soon turned into a passion and a professional career.
After failed attempts to find compatible pairs partner in Australia, Harley’s coaches went looking abroad and found a suitable partner in Russia, Katia. After only skating 9 months together, the pair have made history at every competition and quickly climbing the world rankings – and now world Junior Champions!
Harley, the only Indigenous elite ice skater, and will be the first Indigenous person to compete at the winter olympics! Keep an eye out for Harley and Katia Feb this year!
“Ekaterina & Harley accomplished something no other Australian has ever done before, winning the world junior title, Australia’s first medal of any colour at an ISU international event” (ice skating Australia)